How your mind protects you against hallucinations | Science | AAAS
To maintain a grip on reality, the brain must question its expectations
Quelle: How your mind protects you against hallucinations | Science | AAAS
Soziale Gerechtigkeit: Ex-Caritas-Vorstand Georg Cremer benennt Missstände
Wie in Deutschland über Gerechtigkeit gestritten wird, spielt Populisten in die Hände, warnt Georg Cremer. Der frühere Caritas-Vorstand fordert eine nüchterne Debatte – und benennt eklatante Missstände.
Quelle: Soziale Gerechtigkeit: Ex-Caritas-Vorstand Georg Cremer benennt Missstände – SPIEGEL ONLINE
Having children is one of the most destructive things you can to do the environment, say researchers | The Independent
Having children is the most destructive thing a person can to do to the environment, according to a new study. Researchers from Lund University in Sweden found having one fewer child per family can save “an average of 58.6 tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions per year”.